Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week 13 Second Draft

This week, focus on making your first draft better. Maybe this means you need to dismantle, or take apart, your entire first draft. That's fine! Actually, that's good. Probably, the bigger changes you make, the better. Use your time to work on improving your weak spots. What are your weak spots? Grammar? Research? Logic? Organization? Thesis? Decide with your  self analysis, decide with your feedback from me, or ask peers for their opinions, too. Remember, all the decisions you make are YOUR decisions - Don't just follow my advice without thinking about it first.

Let's review the grading criteria:

Second draft
3 points - The second draft builds on the ideas of the first draft in a meaningful and thoughtful way. A reasonable evolution of ideas is visible. 
2 points - The second draft is a reasonable development of the 1st draft. There is meaningful improvement in the essay.
1 point - The second draft is only improved technically. 
0 points - The second draft is not an improvement on the first draft. 

If you plagiarize in your second draft, one point will be subtracted from your total grade.

If either draft is late, one point will be subtracted. 

First Draft - October 26 Monday October 27
Second Draft - November 16

Also, start building your bibliography (A list of sources at the end of your article). It will help you use APA style much easier for the final draft.

Get to work! If you have any questions, please ask me, your Korean teacher or a peer. Take a look at my example second draft post to see my bibliography, how I'm avoiding plagiarism, and how I'm combing the pieces of the classical argument together.

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