Make sure your 태그 says "articulation".
You want to explain what your argument will be for your final project. Remember, your final project will be a persuasive essay, which means you are persuading your reader about something. Maybe, "Skateboarding is a healthier habit than internet surfing," or "The best way to prevent cancer is a healthy diet." I want you to explain how you discovered this argument through your research.
*Your post should look like the following. Red font is notes or explanations for what to do.*
1) My argument Write your argument in one sentence. Then, spend some time explaining it.
I want to argue that the human brain is the most powerful computational tool in the Universe. We are obsessed with upgrading computers and talking about the technological developments that allow our cellphones, computers and even refrigerators to think quicker, and I want to emphasize that none of these technologies come close to the computational power of the human brain.
2) How I found my argument Explain how your research helped you find your argument. Or, in other words, how did your research evolve into your argument? Start with your research question.
My first research question was, when will my cellphone be smarter than my brain? It seems reasonable that eventually, as technology continues developing, our hand held devices will be smarter than our head held ones (Our brain). This article helped corroborate that theory. As I continued researching, it seemed obvious that everyone agreed that we were moving to a world where eventually humans would not be as smart as computers. I thought if I wrote an article saying the same thing, it would be boring. I started looking at the opposite perspective. How smart are people now? How amazing are our brains right now? Articles like this one helped me quantify the real power of our brain. Eventually I realized that even though neuroscientists think our brain is at its limits, it is still the most powerful tool out there. I think this is a fresh and interesting argument to make.
3) New research questions What do you still need to know? What is your research plan?
I have several questions that need to be resolved.
a) How can I compare the brain to a modern computer?
b) What areas are the brain objectively and obviously better at than computers?
c) What are the moral implications of possessing the most powerful "thought" apparatus in the world?
I'll continue browsing the internet and looking for interesting articles and keeping track of my research with blog posts.
4) Connections to the Harvard Sampler How is your argument connected to the Harvard Sampler? ANY CONNECTION IS VALID. Please focus on choosing a good argument first, then think about how it is related to the Harvard Sampler. I will help you think of the connection if necessary.
This argument has many connections to the Harvard Sampler. First, it obviously is directly related to the human mind. Second, it connects to medical detectives because there are lots of medical questions about the physical nature of our brain. It also relates to evolution because I can address how the power of the brain is what led to humans being the dominant species on the planet. Last, the internet is the most powerful product and playground of modern computing, so when comparing the mind to computers I will need to look at the mind versus the internet. NOTE: Here I connected the argument to all 4 Harvard Sampler topics. THIS IS NOT NECESSARY. You only need to connect it to one, but can connect it to more if you want.
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