Sunday, October 5, 2014

UPDATE Mock Grades

Myself and Agnes Teacher will be giving each of your blog's a mock grade for your research. We are doing this so you can realize if you are meeting our expectations or not. This grade is just a signal to indicate if you are doing it right nor not. If you get a low grade, don't panic, you have time to improve. If you get a high grade, congratulations, keep up the good work. Just a reminder, this is the rubric for the semester, and following is the rubric for just your research:

5 points maximum for research
You will demonstrate your research through "Research" blog posts with the label "research".

5 points
The student shows creativity and perseverance in her research. The research was clearly a process of exploration and reveals a pattern of thought, inquiry and revelation.
4 points
The research displays a clear, reasoned evolution from beginning to end. The student is committed to finding useful sources.
3 points
The research is adequate for completing the persuasive essay.

2 points
The research is inadequate.
0 points
There is no meaningful research.
I gave grades in reply to your post about your blog address, or on one of your blog posts.

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